Find a Moment's Peace, Reasons to Smile, Supportive Words, and New Ideas for Self-Understanding.



Monday, February 18, 2013


    “Retreat? Why would I want to attend a retreat?” That was exactly my response back in November of 1997 when my Transpersonal Therapist, Mia, told me that she would like me to attend an overnight women’s retreat at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.

    Back then, I was a full-time Administrative Director for a large non-profit organization in the Bay Area. In addition, I was attending college part-time, and keeping up with domestic responsibilities while my husband worked crazy computer-guru hours. This is why I told my therapist that it seemed to me that a better use of what little free time I had would be to go to sleep early in my own bed with earplugs inserted.

    “Why would I want to feel constrained and uptight with a bunch of strangers in a church?” I challenged.

    Despite my mini-rant, my therapist gently persisted. She explained that regardless of the venue, this event would be anything but constraining. The setting did not matter; the intention of the gathering did.

    “And the intention of the gathering is?” I asked.

    “The intention is to retreat from your everyday life ... to step out of your normal routine ... to get away from your practical responsibilities ... all of which distract and prevent you from being in touch with your Inner Truth and your Heartfelt needs.”

    Well, I had to admit that it sounded like what I needed ... but I was still unsure. Being in a large group of women sounded emotionally intimidating, even for someone as outgoing as me. I wanted to know more about what would happen there.

    The answer Mia gave me was somewhat vague. “We start with some singing, and large group work through which we break down into small groups. After the small groups meet with their leader, there’s a lot of free personal time during which you can get a holistic healing or walk the Labyrinth, do artwork or just journal by yourself. Late at night the lights will be dimmed so you can sleep in your sleeping bag. In the morning you’ll be awakened gently and the process continues. It will all be over by noon.”

    I was still unsure and tried a couple of other ways to get out of complying with her request. Then, finally, Mia said, “Jae, I would really like you to do this. Trust me. It will be worth the initial discomfort.”

    Three weeks later, I attended my very first women’s retreat .... my first retreat of any kind. That 18 hours that I spent away from the outside world ... away from my To Do List, away from phones ringing or knocks on my door ... away from my inner critic reminding me of what I should be accomplishing ... changed my life.

    That retreat gave me new perspective, gave me time to remember what I had originally envisioned accomplishing in my life. I was able to reach back to a time before I was subjected to the many “voices of reason” and “level headed intellectuals” telling me what I could and could not do. I rediscovered the center of my heart’s longings, of forgotten dreams that I left behind, and aspirations that I compromised away for someone else's vision.

    I shared about these “aha moments” when our small group regathered that Saturday morning, and I experienced an amazing sense of peaceful affirmation as each member of my small group shared her own, similar aha. Our ages ranged from 60-something to 19. Our backgrounds, vocations, and personal reasons for being there were just as diverse. Yet every woman in that circle experienced a sense of reclaiming a disowned part of herself and of rediscovering forgotten hopes, dreams and goals.

    Several hours later, we were bidding goodbye to each other through song and personal farewells. I walked out of Grace Cathedral that morning with new perspectives about myself and a very different vision of my future. That vision eventually led me to become the Holistic Life Coach and Retreat Facilitator that I am today.

    So, does every woman who attends a retreat have a huge life changing experience? Of course not.

    However, at every retreat that I have attended or facilitated, I have witnessed the amazing difference in the emotional and physical demeanor of participants from the time they arrive until the moment of their departure. They leave lighter, calmer and more optimistic about life. Such wonderful gifts ...from simply giving ourselves permission to retreat.

I invite you to give yourself permission to retreat
and join me at
OneSelf's 10th annual Women's Dreamtime Gathering.

This year we will be
"Dreaming Our Joy"
from 6:30 pm Friday, September 20 to
11:00 am Saturday, September 21.
at 1st United Presbyterian
1915 5th Ave. Troy, NY

For more information and registration


************************************* said...

This blog is a reprint of an article I wrote for the Feb/Mar 2013 issue of Healing Springs Journal. Visit their page on FaceBook

************************************* said...

This blog is a reprint of an article I wrote for the Feb/Mar 2013 issue of Healing Springs Journal. Visit their page on FaceBook