I have tried to roll with Ma Nature's winter punches and stay open to seeing the beauty in her work. Like on December 12th. I gazed out my front window at the trees, dazzling in their icy jewels. And even though the thought of getting all bundled up to go outside was unappealing, I just had to do it.
Grabbing my camera and stepping outside, I became a part of this perfect winter postcard. Just look at those sparkling trees!

Have you ever noticed how unbelievably quiet it is after a winter's storm? Of course, that quiet was broken the moment I stepped off my porch and the ice covered grass crunched under my feet. But, I had to get a closer shot of those iced pines ...

And these ice-encased branches ...

Okay. I confess that as the ice and snow storms keep coming, requiring me to scrape and dig my way into my car at least twice a week, I have become less enthralled with Mother Nature's frozen artwork. In fact, after our most recent storm, as I sat behind my steering wheel ~ car started, defroster and heater pumping out barely lukewarm air ~ all I wanted was to ...
have Spring arrive NOW!
I wanted to be walking around our little Lake Hampton; to be once again watching the geese landing on a misty morning, seeing our little muskrat swimming near the shore, and simply taking in the beauty of the trees and flowers.
Remember when we did that?
Sure you do ... kind of ....
Sure you do ... kind of ....
So, when my car was finally warmed up and I was pulling out of my driveway, I decided that I just had to take that five-minute detour to remind myself that there was still a little Lake Hampton.
And this is what she is looking like as she waits for us to return for our warm-weather morning walks.

Parking by the shore, there was the green park bench I sat on when I shot this same view last Autumn. On this post-storm morning, I couldn't get to the bench because of the snowbank. But in the distance, there was our giant willow, looking a lot smaller without its leaves. Steam escaped my mouth as I breathed out a sigh of "I'm ready for Spring now." And then I got back into my car and drove off to start my work day.
Later, when I returned home, and downloaded that shot into my computer, I was still doing a lot of sighing and yearning for Spring. So, I decided to pull out a few more colorful memories of Lake Hampton. Just looking at those pictures helped to boost my spirits and to renew my faith in Mother Nature's wisdom. I was reminded of when I was absolutely sure that the very hot, humid days of Summer would never end. Remember feeling that?
So, I want to share some of these warmer season memories with you. May they help to remind you that like our circular walk around Lake Hampton, Mother Nature's process is also a circle. And soon, we will be trading in our winter boots for some lighter, less serious footwear . . .

We'll no longer have to huddle inside our heavy coats and bury our faces into the warmth of thick scarves. We will be joyously anticipating our first view of Spring crocus pushing their way up through Winter's brown debris to reunite with the sun's warming light.

We will be smiling broadly as we celebrate the arrival of Spring goslings ...

and happening upon a kitty pausing during her morning outing.

In no time at all we will be rounding the corner from Winter's frosty days to Spring's warming thaws and Summer's flower-blossoming heat. We will once again sit at a picnic table, looking out upon this peaceful view of our little Lake Hampton. And we will be smiling with the joy of being part of a Healing Circle gift from Mother Nature.
Peace and Warming Light to You,